Tag Archives: Barry Goldwater

Why Are Jews Liberal?

I get asked this question ALL THE TIME from my non-Jewish friends. Why are all Jews Liberals? Why do they always vote Democrat? Tonight, I read an interesting article by Norman Podhoretz addressing this very question. I would have to agree with alot of what he had to say, but in particular, this paragraph summarizes my perceptions. It applies to all people, not just Jewish Liberals or Christian Conservatives.

“Of course in speaking of the difference between left and right, or between liberals and conservatives, I have in mind a divide wider than the conflict between Democrats and Republicans and deeper than electoral politics. The great issue between the two political communities is how they feel about the nature of American society. With all exceptions duly noted, I think it fair to say that what liberals mainly see when they look at this country is injustice and oppression of every kind—economic, social and political. By sharp contrast, conservatives see a nation shaped by a complex of traditions, principles and institutions that has afforded more freedom and, even factoring in periodic economic downturns, more prosperity to more of its citizens than in any society in human history. It follows that what liberals believe needs to be changed or discarded—and apologized for to other nations—is precisely what conservatives are dedicated to preserving, reinvigorating and proudly defending against attack” says Podhoretz.

Is the glass half-empty or half-full?

From my perspective, I believe Liberals, or Statists or however the Left is currently identified, see the glass as half-empty. Everything needs fixing. Nothing is ever good enough. There is a need for perfection. It isn’t enough that recycling is the norm, that emission standards are the highest in the world, or that everything needs to be “green”. Now we have to “repent” even further with heavy taxation through the proposed Cap and Trade legislation. It isn’t enough that the majority of Americans have healthcare coverage that they like, the glass half-empty crowd demands that they will have to give that up for a minority of people who don’t have any coverage. Not only do they demand it, but do it in a sanctimoniously smug manner. No asking nicely-because they always know what is right for everyone!

Conservatives are the glass half-full group

We know that there have to be improvements, but not at the expense of the majority and not by tearing apart the foundation of society to get their way. Yes, we should strive to improve our environment, but at what expense? The destruction of our economy through excessive taxation? Yes, people who can’t get health insurance because they are uninsurable need help, but why not present a solution tailored to their needs? Why does the entire healthcare industry have to be dismantled? I believe that sensible, economically sound solutions can be worked out. It doesn’t have to be all or nothing. Conservatives are the party of KNOW. Anyone who has created something-whether it is sewing a dress, knitting a sweater, or building a bookcase knows that you measure twice, cut once. The rush rush rush of these bills is not even measuring before cutting.

Defending Against Attack

The last point in Mr. Podhoretz’s article resonates with me on the eve of the anniverary of 9-11. Defending against attack. Why is the State Department and President bowing down to our enemies? Why are President Obama or Secretary Clinton apologizing to the world every time they go visit another country? The world is laughing at us. We are looking weak and vulnerable, just as we did in the 1990’s when we virtually ignored the bombings of our Embassies, The USS Cole, and the first attempt to bring down the World Trade Center. Oh sure, President Clinton lobbed a few cruise missles at Al Queda, and even had Bin Laden in our sights. Our “friends” the Saudis wouldn’t let the FBI come into their country to investigate the horrendous Khobar Towers bombings. We backed off, looked weak, and got caught off guard. I am not apologetic about defending our interests wherever they are, maintaining a powerful military, and responding to terror quickly and effectively. Strength is the best deterrent to future attacks. I don’t want to live through another time like 9-11, I don’t want my children or future grandchildren to either. I know that the Liberal/Statist/Left love their children too. I know they think they know what’s best too, but we disagree on the methods. To quote Barry Goldwater, “To insist on strength is not war-mongering. It is peace-mongering.” 

Returning to the original premise–why are most Jews Liberals? Why is anyone a Liberal? Why would anyone always want to drink from the half-empty glass?


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